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ELIDZ Project Data Science & Analytics

Problem Statement - According to data from South Africa’s department of basic education in 2011, 6.5% of learners dropped out in grade 9, 11.5% dropped out in grade 10 and 11,8% dropped out in grade 11. It is estimated that of 100 children that start grade 1, 50 will drop out, 40 will complete matric and only 12 will go to university. In the year 2013 only 40% of those that commenced school 12 years prior passed matric in 2014 this dropped to 36%.

The solution - Our goal with the project was to build a machine learning model to predict students who were at risk of dropping out. We chose the logistic regression classification algorithm to build our model. We continue to work on this project and will be guided by the ELIDZ to see through its completion.




Data Science


Jun 2020


Data Science , Analytics
